I was at the park yesterday talking with a group of friends.  An expert in extraterrestrials came over and joined us.  I had recently watched a video that I thought might interest him:  Bigfoot DNA Shocks Scientists: Unlike Anything Ever Seen Before! by COAST TO COAST AM OFFICIAL, August 11, 2024.

In the video, researchers mentioned that there had been a couple of instances in which the Sasquatch had simply disappeared out of the sight of the witnesses.  I floated the idea that maybe Sasquatch is interdimensional.  Another person in the group asked how that could be possible, since Sasquatch is not more technically advanced than we are.  I responded that the ability to disappear is not necessarily a technological feat.  It may be something that is natural for them to do.  I have some theories about what might have happened, but first let’s explore a bit about how perception works.

To some degree, I covered the topic of perception in my post, Reality Is Like Television.  Humans depend a lot on their senses of sight and sound.  The frequency range of visible light for humans typically is 380 to 740 nanometers or 400 to 790 terahertz, with some variation between individuals.  Likewise, the frequency range of sounds that humans can hear is typically 20 to 20,000 hertz, also with some variation between individuals.  Each species has its own ranges of vision and hearing.  Some species can see colors beyond our visible spectrum or hear sounds that we cannot hear.

So my first thought was that these Sasquatch were able to change their frequency in such a way that they were no longer visible.  Perhaps we could call that an interdimensional quality.  But later, I thought about the conversation some more.  I came up with a couple other possibilities.  Let me be clear that these are speculative ideas about what may be happening.  Further research will be needed to determine if either of these ideas are the truth.

Telepathic Suggestion

I once read a story about a hypnotist who was doing a parlor demonstration of what hypnosis could do.

I would like to relate an occurrence I witnessed in the middle of the 1970s.  My father had hired a professional hypnotist to entertain a group of friends at his house and had invited me to attend the event.  After quickly determining the hypnotic susceptibility of the various individuals present, the hypnotist chose a friend of my father’s named Tom as his subject.  This was the first time Tom had ever met the hypnotist.

Tom proved to be a very good subject, and within seconds the hypnotist had him in a deep trance.  He then proceeded with the usual tricks performed by stage hypnotists.  He convinced Tom there was a giraffe in the room and had Tom gaping in wonder.  He told Tom that a potato was really an apple and had Tom eat it with gusto.  But the highlight of the evening was when he told Tom that when he came out of trance, his teenage daughter, Laura, would be completely invisible to him.  Then, after having Laura stand directly in front of the chair in which Tom was sitting, the hypnotist awakened him and asked him if he could see her.

Tom looked around the room and his gaze appeared to pass right through his giggling daughter.  “No,” he replied.  The hypnotist asked Tom if he was certain, and again, despite Laura’s rising giggles, he answered no.  Then the hypnotist went behind Laura so he was hidden from Tom’s view and pulled an object out of his pocket.  He kept the object concealed so that no one in the room could see it, and pressed it against the small of Laura’s back.  He asked Tom to identify the object.  Tom leaned forward as if staring directly through Laura’s stomach and said that it was a watch.  The hypnotist nodded and asked if Tom could read the watch’s inscription.  Tom squinted as if struggling to make out the writing and recited both the name of the watch’s owner (which happened to be a person unknown to any of us in the room) and the message.  The hypnotist then revealed that the object was indeed a watch and passed it around the room so that everyone could see that Tom had read its inscription correctly.

When I talked to Tom afterward, he said that his daughter had been absolutely invisible to him.  All he had seen was the hypnotist standing and holding a watch cupped in the palm of his hand.  Had the hypnotist let him leave without telling him what was going on, he never would have known he wasn’t perceiving normal consensus reality.1

The phenomenon of invisibility described in the passage is known as “negative hallucination.”  Unfortunately, the hypnotist did not ask the man to reach out and take the pocket watch from his hand.  It would have been interesting to know what would have happened.  Might the man’s hand have passed through his daughter as if she was not there at all?  I suppose that is for another stage hypnotist to try.

Sasquatch are known to be generally telepathic.  Could it be that the Sasquatch in the incidents had sent a telepathic suggestion to the humans that they could no longer be seen?

There is precedent to think that a telepathic command could be sent.  I recently read a story about someone in the military who went to Antarctica as a guard for some dignitaries.  The dignitaries met with some non-human humanoids.

The pre-event briefing delivered to [them] said that they would not have major problems that day, because the meeting would involve “good” entities, coming from inner Earth.

The clouds were very low that day.  Because of that it was difficult to verify if the entities would come from above.  At one point, Daniel spotted a large white [anti-gravity] ship emerging from the clouds.  It was very big and this image immediately scared everyone who was on the perimeter.  The ship was about 800 meters long and because of the clouds it was impossible to see its end.  The height was unimaginable.  Daniel felt scared at the moment, but he needed to focus on his mission.

The ship landed, and from its main door two tall beings appeared.  They had a very white skin, white hair and intensely blue eyes – much bigger than human eyes.  Daniel watched with his binoculars.

As they left the ship, one of the creatures looked in the platoon’s direction and waved bringing his hand to his chest.  At that very moment, everyone – without exception, assumed a rest position: one knee on the floor, the other knee flexed (foot flat on floor), with their weapons crossing the chest.  They stayed like this, without moving, for about three hours.  They did not feel pain or fatigue, but they couldn’t move.  The body did not respond.

Seeing the panic that increased among the soldiers, the creature again turned to them and, as if talking to each one of [them] inside their minds, said: “Be calm, do not be afraid, nothing will happen to you”.  The sight was scary: 150 men kneeling and paralyzed at the same time.

At the end, the creatures entered the ship and disappeared in the clouds.  At that moment everyone could stand up and wondered what happened.

Daniel repeated to himself that everything was fine, but deep down, the idea that there is a race in the universe that can control us that way, without any effort, was frightening.2

Cognitive Dissonance

If a hypnotist can suggest to a person that someone else is invisible, it is also possible that a person can suggest such a thing to himself.  Perhaps in these incidents, the witnesses decided that it was impossible to see a Sasquatch and consequently made that suggestion to themselves.  In cognitive dissonance, a person refuses to believe something that goes against their belief system even when the evidence is presented to them.  So after figuring out what it was that these witnesses were seeing, they possibly refused to believe that they were seeing it and thus no longer saw it.

Or maybe the disappearances of the Sasquatch were the result of some type of multidimensionality, as is generally thought …

1.  1991. Michael Talbot. The Holographic Universe, chapter 5, “A Pocketful of Miracles,” section “Does Consciousness Create Subatomic Particles or Not Create Subatomic Particles, That Is the Qustion,” p. 141. First Edition. New York, NY: HarperCollins. https://www.amazon.com/Holographic-Universe-Michael-Talbot/dp/006016381X.
2. July 30, 2019. Fabio Santos and Ted Heidk. Planetary Intervention, chapter 10, “Antarctica,” pp. 89 – 92. Independently published. https://www.amazon.com/Planetary-Intervention-Fabio-Santos/dp/1086361253/.

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