I have a couple of times done a process to determine the name of my guardian angel.  The answer was, “Freela.”  Recently, I did a search to see if there was any meaning to it.  Freela, apparently, is a Portuguese word that means “freelancer.”  Somehow, I tried an alternate spelling, “Frila.”  The definition as found on the Urban Dictionary site is as follows:

Diety- The Goddess of Erotic Dance. Worshiped by the avid “Frila’s Witnesses,” with the highest members known as “High Show Whores.” The main beliefs of this religion are hot sex, sisterly love, a good time, and Pokemon. Frila is better than God.

“All praise Frila, Goddess of Erotic Dance and all things beautiful!”
by The Goddess Frila February 26, 2009

Well, isn’t that a kick!

Penukonda Jesus with paintToday I began meditating with Mutium at The Path.  Mutiam was a student of Sri Kaleshwar at his ashram in Penukonda, India.  Mutiam’s display of visual materials was distinctly Hindu, but she also included an image of Jesus in the display.  She said that this image was a photograph of the Jesus statue located in the upper temple at Sri Kaleshwar’s ashram.  It is a good thing that I had recently read Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon.  From this and similar books, I was aware that Jesus had been educated in India, among many other places.  I was glad that Jesus was part of the tradition that Mutiam would be teaching because Jesus has been an important part of my religious history.  I resonate well with Him, and I found that this photograph resonated particularly well with me.  I found it particularly interesting that this statue featured reddish hair.  This agreed with descriptions of Jesus found in sources I had recently read.

flame-meditation-300x231During the class, we did a flame meditation. This type of meditation is called Trāṭaka. According to Wikipedia, this type of meditation can be used to develop psychic powers. The method we used was the same as in the article:

Stage 1: Light a candle, three to four feet apart. Sit in front of it. The flame should be at the level of the eyes so that it can be seen straight without being uncomfortable. Begin with slow and deep breathing. While breathing in this manner, keep a steady gaze at the flame. Keep the spine erect. Keep your gaze fixed at the flame without being distracted with the outer disturbances or thoughts. If thoughts arise, simply ignore them; do not struggle to remove them. It is important to be wakeful and vigilant.

Stage 2: Imagine the flame is entering your body through your eyes and illuminating your inner being. At this stage, it is good to let the eyes close with ease. Now, try to imagine the same flame with closed eyes as you were seeing it with open eyes. If you are able to practice tratak without blinking your eye, it will be easy for you to see the flame with closed eyes.

Most of us are doing our meditations seated in chairs. Others chose to sit on cushions on the floor. Since my legs tend to go numb when I sit on the floor, I chose to sit on a chair.

We used a recording of a tamboura for background music.

I just finished reading Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon.  That book gave a whole new perspective on Jesus that, it would seem, I had intuitively sensed all along.  For one, I have long believed that the true Jesus would not have wanted us to worship him.  The Bible says, “Ye are gods.”  (John 10:32-42)  Although I can’t identify where in the law he is quoting from, this quote displays how it is that we are all just as much Sons of God as he is.  The only difference was that he knew it.

It was also said in the Bible that the things Jesus did, we could also do and even greater.  The church of my upbringing taught something of this, but not to women.  And yet in the story revealed in the book, Jesus was born to Essenes who revered women as equals to men.  In the community at Qumran, women were taught in all things along with men.  Their intelligence was recognized.  And Jesus was taught not only by the Essenes, but by others as well.  He traveled throughout the known world to study spirituality from various sources.  These travels included Egypt, India, Cathay (China), and England.  He no doubt had contact with Hindus, Buddhists, Druids, and whatever was being practiced in Egypt at the time.  He would have been trained by all of them.  These spiritual traditions all have something to offer in the way of healing methods.  It would seem, then, that those who practice Christianity and limit themselves to the Bible are seriously shorting themselves in true Christian potential.  Jesus did not limit himself in what he studied, and neither should we.

The book is also very clear in saying that what was done to Jesus on the cross in no way removes our karma.  Rather, Jesus’ example shows the way in which we can clear it for ourselves.  What I have learned in A Course in Miracles seems to me to be truly given to us from Jesus as a way to learn to forgive ourselves and others.  Jesus and the Essenes is fully consistent with it, from what I can see.  They are both consistent in teaching that the greatest law is love.  Jesus tells us that in the Bible as well.

The idea of what the Resurrection was is different in the book as well.  Rather than saying that we will reclaim the body that we had throughout our earth life, the Resurrection appears to be instead a witness of the continuation of life in the spirit world.  The way this was discussed in the book does not rule out the idea of a dimensional shift.  The story of finding Jesus’ tomb empty is quite different in important points.

The students at Qumran, men and women alike, were taught in the use of energy for healing, among other topics.  In Jesus and the Essenes, it tells that Jesus healed by joining in meditation with the one to be healed.  There is also an implication that something like Reiki may have been used.  The healing methods included the use of energy, something little is made mention of in mainstream churches.  If some members of mainstream churches have the gift of healing while others do not, it is in many cases because those who have it happened upon their methods by chance.  Some may not even know what it is that they are really doing when they heal.

So, for me to have been looking at different faiths and different healing methods all these years, I have in a way been following Jesus’ example.  Some may think that I have denied things that I have learned in my early years in the church of my upbringing, but it really isn’t so.  Rather, I have expanded my knowledge beyond what was taught there.

Oh, and here’s a mind-blower.  It would seem that Jesus’ relatives went to England after Jesus’ death, to Glastonbury.  Joseph of Arimathea was the brother of Mother Mary.  Anna, the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea, married the British king’s youngest brother.  All of the royal line of British kings and queens, down to the present Queen Elizabeth II, have descended directly from Joseph of Arimathea.  My mother has recently reported to us that she has now traced our ancestral line all the way back to the Plantagenet kings.  Therefore, it would seem, then, that I am a blood relative of Jesus.

What would a course intended to teach something be without something to practice on?  And so as I embarked on my study of A Course In Miracles, naturally an issue to practice on had to appear.

moth and candleIt is a fortunate thing that this issue was presented to me gradually because it is by far the most potent challenge I have had in my life: love and romance.  This is the one issue that has proved to have the ability to threaten my sanity.  I have had other serious challenges in my life, but none have rocked my boat like this one has.  As the issue began to impose itself on me more and more in my thoughts, I began to panic.  I felt quite threatened by it.

I had already read The Disappearance of the Universe by then, so I tried to apply the thought that this was all a dream, that there was no one else out there.  It helped some, but this was a very difficult situation to relegate to a dream.  I also actively applied the ideas from the lessons to the issue.  Lesson 24 (“I do not perceive my own best interests.”) was rather helpful and quite true.  My thoughts with regard to what was going on resulted in a great deal of conflict.  Another helpful thought was the idea of making a choice to identify with the body or the spirit.  Those who have chosen the spirit say that the rewaThe Dog and the Shadowrds far exceed anything the body can provide.  For now, I’ll have to trust them on that.

The situation also reminded me of one of Aesop’s fables: The Dog and the Shadow.  Grasping at the shadow would most definitely cause me to lose what I already have.

And so, having gotten some hint from reading The Disappearance of the Universe, I began reading A Course In Miracles itself—again.  I had studied it for a year or two in the late 1990s, but I will admit that while I sensed that it was important, I found it to be somewhat negative at the time.  Now, with the help of DU, I understood why ACIM was written the way it was, and it became a positive message for me.

In an early lesson in the Workbook, J tells us the following:

“As we go along, you may have many ‘light episodes.’  They may take many different forms, some of them quite unexpected.  Do not be afraid of them.  They are signs that you are opening your eyes at last.”  Lesson 15

Indeed, by this point, I had been noticing instances of a pinprick flash of light here and there.  Gary Renard reporting having light episodes even before Pursah and Arten showed up to tell him about ACIM.  He would notice little flashes of light out of the corner of his eye, or occurring around certain objects.  In a more dramatic case, Suzanne Segal reported in her book, Collision with the Infinite, that as she began to practice meditation, solid matter transformed into the luminous transparency of silence.  The effect went away after some months.

But right now, for me, it’s just little pinpricks of light here and there from time to time.  This has actually happened for me before, back when I was studying ACIM the first time around.  Back then, sometimes the sky would sparkle in pinks and blues.  I suppose that will happen again soon.

One detail that stood out to me in just about all of the NDE stories I read is that virtually all of those who had experienced a NDE came back to say that the experience was more real and more vivid than anything they had experienced in this life.  Indeed, a central theme in A Course In Miracles is that this life is a dream, and it is not real:

“You have chosen a sleep in which you have had bad dreams, but the sleep is not real and God calls you to awake.”  T-6.IV.6.

“You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awakening to reality.”  T-10.I.2.

Do you remember the movie, Inception from 2010?  It was a heist thriller in which the perpetrators of the heist would enter the dream world of their targets to implant thoughts that would instigate the behaviors necessary in their targets to pull off their heists.  There were dreams within dreams within dreams—multiple levels of dreams, with each level down being more chaotic than the one above it.  To escape from a dream and return to the level above, the dreamer would kill himself.  (This is a method certainly NOT recommended in THIS dream!)  Cobb would carry a token with him that would help him determine if he was in a dream or in “real” life—a top that would not topple over in a dream level.  At the end of the movie, supposedly in “real” life, he spins his top.  It spins and spins and spins.  In the final moment of the movie, it is just beginning to wobble.  If you look on the Internet, you will find many discussions of whether the top ever actually fell over or if what Cobb thought was real was really just a dream, too.

Shakespeare seemed to be trying to tell us so much when he wrote:

“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”  Macbeth

“Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d tow’rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.”  The Tempest

I have pondered the idea that perhaps what many experience in their NDEs is actually a dream level above this one, more real than this life and yet still a dream itself.  If we were to awaken fully, I do not think we would reincarnate and fall into yet another dream, as so many who have NDEs say we do.

This idea of life being just a dream is key to the process of forgiveness.  It is the first step in the process.  It is key to recognizing that nothing has actually happened.

It all began (at least in this recent chapter of my life) with the question, “What is God?”  There’d been rumors that we had been created by some alien race from the planet Nibiru, at least if you believe the Sitchen books.  According to him and ancient Sumerian texts, we were genetically engineered to mine gold for the Anunnaki.  While I can see why the ancients might have called these beings “gods”, are these really worthy of worship?  What is it exactly that we worship when we pray?  Who are we asking for assistance?  I would hope it isn’t extraterrestrials.  The Source of all things in the Universe certainly couldn’t be human or even another being of form in the way we understand them.  And so I set out to answer the question.

Early on in the exploration of the nature of God, I came upon reports of near death experiences (NDEs).  Some of the people who had experienced a NDE reported meeting God.  This God they told about certainly was not any kind of alien of physical form.  So even if the Anunnaki did create our physical form, they would not be the God that we pray to.

In some of the NDE experiences, God was a personage of light that sat on a throne whose face could not be seen.  There seemed to be something rather limiting about such a concept.  It also seemed too much like the gods that had been written about in OAHSPE.  While that book made for interesting reading, something did not seem to be quite right about that, either.

There was another form of God reported in the NDEs: a being of light and love without any particular discernable form, a being that was omnipresent and omniscient.  This one made more sense to me.

And then I remembered that I had once studied A Course In Miracles, and I was drawn back to it.  The problem was that I found it to be somewhat negative the first time around with it, and yet it still felt to me like it was something more important than the Bible.  Somehow, recently, I was lucky enough to find The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary R. Renard.  It helped ACIM to make more sense to me.  Now as I read ACIM, it is a positive message.  According to DU, the key to miracles is forgiveness.  I have included an outline of a thought process for forgiveness on its own page on this site for easy reference.  That is the methodology I will be working with as I work through those things in my life requiring forgiveness.  It isn’t that anything wrong was done; rather, nothing has really happened.

I decided that since I was interested in learning how to do Theta Healings, it would be a good idea to experience one.  I called Brent Phillips and made an appointment.  He can do distance healing, but I chose to see him in person because I wasn’t sure about how to do the muscle testing step at home.

On June 30 about 12:30 p.m., I showed up for my appointment.  Since I had already read both of Vianna‘s books (Go Up And Seek God and Go Up and Work With God; now combined in Theta Healing: Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality), I didn’t need much of an introduction to what we would be doing.  Brent led me to a table where we would be doing the healings.  He went and got a cup of water for me.  Apparently, the muscle testing works best when one is well hydrated.

Before we could continue, we had to figure out which muscle testing method we would use to test yes/no questions.  Brent did not want to use the method in which the arm is held out to the side and pushed down because he said it would be too tiring over the course of an hour.  We checked out the standing method.  In this method, the subject stands up straight.  When a yes/no question is asked the subject will automatically lean forward for yes or lean backward for no.  It didn’t seem this would work out for me because I tend to lean back a little in my standing pose anyway.  It wasn’t comfortable for me to stand in the position that Brent said was straight.  I asked Brent about using a pendulum.  He said that this could work and that he had pendulums for just this purpose.  He got out a wooden pendulum on a string for me to use.  We tested yes and no, and it appeared that it was going to work out well for me.

At this point, I should briefly mention how Theta Healing works.  When doing a healing in person, the healer and the patient will sit facing each other.  Often the healer will ask the patient to put his hands into the healer’s hands.  This is how Vianna teaches it, anyway.  Brent prefers to sit off center and hold only one hand.  The healer moves his consciousness above himself 3, 6, or 67 feet.  He then invokes God and commands a healing.  This moves the healer into theta brain waves.  This is the brain state in which healing works best.  The patient need only sit there.  In the next step, the healer moves his consciousness into the patient and works with the part of the body that needs healing.  When the healing is done, the healer removes his consciousness from the patient and imagines washing himself off.  Then he returns to his own body.

So Brent and I were sitting at the table.  He next did a quick scan of me using the method I just outlined.  He then asked me what I wanted to work on.  Since my spouse had recently complained that I snored, I chose to work on insomnia and snoring.

The first steps of the healing seemed almost psychological.  Brent asked me what it was that insomnia did for me.  We eventually discovered that I had been robbed and murdered in my sleep in past lives.  The pendulum confirmed this.  Apparently I didn’t want to sleep because I didn’t want this to happen again!  Brent asked for my permission to clear this thought.  He then did the Theta Healing process to clear the thought.  When the thought was tested again with the pendulum, it was cleared.  The snoring was likewise part of this same dynamic.

Brent asked me if I had something else I wanted to work on.  I decided on weight issues since that is something I am working on in one of my groups.  We cleared a couple issues with respect to that.  Apparently I had the thought embedded in me that greater weight meant greater power.  There was also an issue of not wanting the extra attention from men that being slim tends to bring on.  Both of these issues were cleared, and no other issues were detected.

We had just a little time left in the session.  I mentioned allergies.  Brent seemed to want to work on food allergies.  Actually, I was more concerned about airborne allergies since I’d had a pretty rough time of it in Copenhagen while on vacation and still had a touch of a cough from it the day of the appointment.  But I did have known food allergy problems, so we went ahead and worked on this.

At the end of the session, Brent had me put a hand in his and did a final scan, working on the physical issues related to what we had worked on.  I actually felt something happening during this process.  I felt sensations move down from my head and into my bowels.  The sensations continued in the bowels for a few moments and then moved up to my throat and head.  And then it was done.  Brent asked me if I had felt anything.  I told him I had and described as best I could what I felt.  He said that was the order he had worked on me, so that pretty well confirmed to me that what I had felt was real.

Since the session, I have not snored.  If I have had difficulty sleeping, there was a cause such as a pain or some other thing that had to be dealt with.  I was not just laying awake all night as I’d often done before.  Since the healing, my eating has been more controlled.  It’s difficult to say whether I’ve had any help with the food allergies since I don’t really notice those types of difficulties much these days anyway.  All in all, I would say that the session has been a success.

aurasI recently went on vacation and managed to study a bit on airplanes and during down time.  I took a few books with me.  Perhaps the one that got my best attention was Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field by Barbara Brennan.  I especially enjoyed the sections on how to see the universal energy field and auras.  I was in an airplane when I read the part about orgone and how to see it in the sky.  I looked out the window and there it was, moving energetically about in a dizzying dance.  I know I’ve seen it before, but I always thought it was something in my tears.  Thinking about it, there was no way anything in my tears could have been moving as fast as what I saw.

I then read about the human aura.  She described the various layers of the aura and their function.  I looked up at the other passengers in the airplane.  Again I found myself able to see.  This time I saw a faint glow around the heads of the other passengers usually about an inch or two wide.  In most cases it was white or faintly blue, but I also noticed a bit of pink around one woman.

I’ve seen auras before, but it was several years ago.  I was making the effort then, having heard of them and being curious.  I looked in a mirror and saw a thin magenta aura around me.  In a bookstore, I saw a woman with a beautiful lemon yellow aura.  And once while driving, I saw a man and a boy walking on the sidewalk.  Around the boy, I saw a brilliant white aura. It startled me because I wasn’t expecting it.  Since that time until reading the book, I hadn’t seen any auras.  Fear must have shut down the ability during that time.  Now I am again seeing the lower layers of the glow.  I’m so thrilled!