d73f9907e3fdc84cdf96bfe791463bc76083b46b_mI have an odd little story that goes way back to the early 1980s.  It is yet another one of those mundane little stories in which something out of the ordinary occurs which to this day defies explanation.

Back then, I had a Volvo 1800E.  It was a rather unusual sports coupe, especially in Utah Valley where I was living at the time.  The area was dominated by a steel factory, and so the local residents had a strong preference for American cars.

Somehow, the tail light lens got broken.  In a futile attempt to save money on a replacement, I decided to look for a replacement at the local junk yards.  I sort of knew this would be a long shot, given the relatively low population of the valley and the rarity of the car, but I decided to give it a try anyway.

I had just come out from the office of one of the junk yards.  I had opened the car door and was tossing the broken tail light lens onto the floor of the back seat when I experience some kind of “blip” in consciousness, and then the broken tail light lens was gone.  I looked throughout the car, under it, and I even went back into the junk yard office to ask if I might have left the tail light lens there.  The tail light lens was nowhere to be found.  As I backed out of my parking space, I also looked where I had been to see if I might have missed it when looking under the car.  That tail light lens was never seen again.  That event has ever since then been a source of wonder for me.

Some years later, I attended classes at the Learning Light Foundation.  This facility was also the site for a MUFON group.  Consequently, several of the other students I attended class with also attended the MUFON meetings.  Through them and other reading material, I learned some of the hallmarks of an alien experience, one of which is the type of blip in consciousness that I had experienced that day in Utah while visiting junk yards.

A couple of years ago, I did a past life regression session with someone who had been trained by Dolores Cannon.  In her methodology, after the past lives have been explored, the subconscious [more properly the “superconscious”] is called in.  The hypnotist then asks questions that have been prepared by the client.  I asked about the incident with the tail light lens.

It was confirmed that it was an ET-related event, but I was not allowed to learn any of the details of it.  Apparently, during the course of that event, the tail light lens was misplaced and did not make it back with me to the point of origin of the event.  An apology was given in the session for the missing tail light lens.

Something like this defies proof.  I will never know for sure exactly what happened to the tail light lens—or to me, for that matter—at least not during this lifetime.  For now, information gathered in the regression session will have to suffice as an explanation.

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